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WESST Santa Fe Women's Business Center

Santa Fe Business Incubator
Santa Fe NM
Phone: 505-474-6556
Web Site

Artists, entrepreneurs, growing businesses and community-based organizations call WESST Santa Fe their business development community “home away from home.” Covering an expansive eleven county region including Taos, Mora, Santa Fe, Rio Arriba, Los Alamos, Colfax, Union, Harding, San Miguel, Guadalupe and Quay, it’s not surprising that the Santa Fe team collaborates with many regional organizations throughout rural New Mexico.

WESST Santa Fe/Northern New Mexico clients are predominantly women of all demographics. About half of WESST’s clients in Northern New Mexico are involved in the arts.  Many clients live in rural areas. Many men and women clients are evolving entrepreneurs who seek a broad and objective marketing and growth perspective.

Initial one-on-one consultations usually consist of a face-to-face (or videoconference) meeting. The first consultation is free and provides an opportunity for both the client and the consultant to determine next steps in the working relationship.

Workshops are often created to address specific community and organizational business skills and development needs. Workshops and talks range from short, topic-specific conversations to multi-week series created to help businesses start, market, become profitable and sustain growth. Topics addressed include, but are not limited to: basic licensing and start-up processes, web development and social media, taxes, marketing, pricing, financials, intellectual property, film production, financing, credit and identity theft, as well as commercial kitchens/food service and  craft entrepreneurship essentials.

Often, clients who are skilled professionals in particular topic areas will share their knowledge at Brown Bag lunch and evening workshops.  Many WESST Santa Fe clients and consultants have delivered TEDx talks and offer very engaging perspectives on a wide range of topics and issues.

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Managing a Business

Marketing and Sales

Government Contracting

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WESST Santa Fe Women's Business Center
Santa Fe Business Incubator
3900 Paseo del Sol, Suite 351 Santa Fe, NM 87507

Association of Women's Business Centers

U.S. Small Business Administration

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

Site Content © 2024, New Mexico WBC