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SFE 2023 Finding Your Followers: A Social Media Crash Course

Wed, Apr 26 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Topic: Marketing and Sales

Finding Your Followers

A Social Media Crash Course

Wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to Instagram, or whether people are still using Facebook? The social media world is constantly changing, and it can be hard to know where to start.

In this in person workshop, Franziska Neumann, owner of Santa Fe-based creative agency byFZK, will introduce you to the top 5 social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube - and how to (and how not to) use them for your business.

We will review:

  • Why visibility & social influence matters
  • Get crystal clear on which social media platform is most relevant for YOUR business
  • Review case studies of businesses that successfully use each platform

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities and language assistance services are available for limited English proficient individuals. Please notify Roseanna Perea, when you register for the class, or no later than 24 hours prior to your class, so that WESST can make sure necessary accommodations are available. All programs and services are provided to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.

The Women's Business Center is funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

Speaker(s): Franziska Neumann is the owner and creative director of FZK Franziska, a Santa Fe-based creative agency that helps design-oriented clients grow and steward their online presence.


Please Note: THIS CLASS IS BEING OFFERED IN PERSON This training class will be delivered in English.

Fee: No Cost

Phone: 505-474-6556


WESST Santa Fe Women's Business Center
Santa Fe Business Incubator
3900 Paseo del Sol, Suite 351 Santa Fe, NM 87507

Association of Women's Business Centers

U.S. Small Business Administration

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

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