Women hold less than half of all leadership roles, despite making up around 50% of the working population.
Leadership development for women in business refers to targeted programs and initiatives designed to equip women with the skills and confidence needed to advance into leadership roles within a company, often focusing on addressing gender bias and promoting diversity in the workplace by providing mentoring, networking opportunities, and training specific to female leaders' needs.
There are key aspects of women's leadership that can be developed with new and current skill sets. In this class we’ll discuss how effectively develop leadership skills and address the challenges that women face in the workplace and in business.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities and language assistance services are available for limited English proficient individuals. Please notify Janelle Henry at 505-566-3715 or jhenry@wesst.org when you register for the class, or no later than 24 hours prior to your class, so that WESST can make sure necessary accommodations are available. All programs and services are provided to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.
The Women's Business Center is funded in part by the U.S. Small Business Administration. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.
Speaker(s): Dawn Facka, Regional Manager, WESST Farmington Women's Business Center Janelle Henry, Regional Program Coordinator, WESST Farmington Women's Business Center
Please Note: THIS WEBINAR IS BEING OFFERED ONLINE. AN INTERNET CONNECTION AND A COMPUTER (or highly capable tablet-type device) ARE NECESSARY. Access and instructions will be sent to you after you have registered for the class. This training class will be delivered in English. You are welcome to enter the Zoom room early. Please ensure your Zoom name reflects your registered name for attendance verification. Thank you.
Fee: No Cost